
Dr. Seilert
allowed me to design the shape of the cabinet and draw all the
decorative patterns. To design the cabinet’s shape, the
prototype is an old cabinet which is now kept in the Phra Monthientham
Chapel of the Temple of the Emerald Buddha. All mother-of-pearl
inlaid cabinets in this chapel were made in the reign of King
Rama I (r. 1782-1809) to store old Buddhist texts. They were
made of high quality teakwood with different sizes. All the
cabinets are inlaid with Muk Fai or “Flaming Mother-of-pearl”
which is the highest quality mother-of-pearl shell. This type
of shell will be crystal bright in rainbow colors when it receives
I am glad to know that the artisans
who will help create this mother-of-pearl inlaid cabinet are
the same persons who have restored those ancient mother-of-pearl
cabinets in the Temple of the Emerald Buddha.
After I got the shape of the cabinet,
the next step is to draw the decorative patterns for the artisans
to inlay the shells. The decorative patterns on the left, right
and front panels of this cabinet will depict a story from the
Jataka or the former lives of the Lord Buddha. I choose to depict
the story “the rabbit on the Moon” as the decorative
patterns for this cabinet. The story describes one former life
of the Buddha when he was born as a rabbit. |

The mother-of-pearl Tripitaka Scripture
cabinet, dating from the early Rattanakosin period, is housed
in Hor Phra Montien Tham (the Scripture Hall) of the Emerald
Buddha Temple. |
Once upon the
time, the Bodhisatva (the Buddha to be) was born
as a rabbit. He resides in a forest and behaves all the good deeds.
One day the Bodhisatva rabbit intends to devote his body and meat
to be food to any poor man who comes into the forest. His strong
intention is known by the God Indra who is the King of the Davadingsa
heaven. Indra appreciates the rabbit’s intention and wants
to save his life from the sacrifice of his body and meat. Indra
comes down the earth and disguises himself as an old and poor Brahmin.
Then he walks towards the forest where the Bodhisatva rabbit resides.
When the rabbit sees the old Brahmin
who looks starving, he then asks:
“Venerable, what would you like
to have?”
“I am so hungry. I would like
to have some food”, replies the Brahmin.
“Venerable, I do not have any
food supply. I have only my body and meat which I am happy to devote
them as your food”, the rabbit says willingly. The he offers:
“Venerable, please kindly set
a fire and I will jump in it. When my body is cooked, please enjoy
your meal”.
With his magical power, Indra Brahmin
has a large fire set, but the flame is actually cool. He then says
to the rabbit:
“The fire is ready, you may
jump in it!”
The rabbit does not hesitate. He wishes
his great sacrifice return him a better life and then he jumps into
the fire. Suddenly, he realizes that the fire is cool. It cannot
even burn his body. He says to the Bhramin:
“Venerable, why is this fire
so cool? It cannot even burn my body!”
Indra Brahmin laughs at the rabbit, and
“Because it is not the real
fire, and neither I am a poor Brahmin! I am the God Indra who comes
to test your intention.” Indra returns to his real image and
says further:
“You now have devoted your body
and meat to me. Your life is now immortal and you have no right
to sacrifice it to anybody else. To declare your sacrifice, I will
inscribe your image on the surface of the Moon. From now on people
on earth can see your image when they look up the Moon."
Personally, I love the Moon because of
its cool and soft light. I always feel happy when I look up the
night sky and see the full Moon. Thai people’s old way of
life has been close to the Moon. Lunar calendar was very significant
during our ancestor’s time. The Moon is always mentioned in
lots of our old nursery rhymes and tales, including this story of
the Bodhisatva rabbit.
The depiction of the story of the
Bodhisatva rabbit on the panels of the mother-of-pearl inlaid cabinet
will be clockwise presented. The story will start on the left panel,
showing the first scene of the story in which the Bodhisatva rabbit
and different kinds of animal residing happily in the forest. On
the right panel one can see a scene of Indra’s heaven and
his incarnation as an old and poor Bhramin to save the rabbit’s
life. The other scenes, such as the sacrifice of the rabbit and
Indra inscribing the rabbit’s image on the surface of the
Moon, will be continued on the two door panels at the front part
of the cabinet.