Photo 14   also show pieces of Green Snail shell after the second polishing. This piece of shell is now ready to be cut in different patterns.
   (Top) Green Snail shells before polishing. The shells are covered by calcium and sand.
To take a photo at 25 November 2003

First month working progress : the preparation of mother-of-pearl shells

To prepare the shells for any mother-of-pearl inlaid work, Thai artisans use 2 types of shells. The first type is Green Snail, called in Thai Hoi Muk Fai or flame mother-of-pearl. Green Snail provides the best type of mother-of-pearl for the inlaid work. When this type of shell receives light, it will reflect in rainbow colours. The second type of shell is the Black-lipped Pearl Oyster which is called in Thai Hoi Muk Jarn. With its flat shape like a disk, this type of shell can be cut into straight lines for making the frames of the inlaid work.

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